Optical Gas Imaging
Leak Detection
Pipeline Integrity
Non Destructive Testing
Storage Tank Inspection
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Non Destructive Testing
Our Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) processes such as guided wave, ultrasonic, acoustic emissions, vibration analyses, corrosion scanning, structured light, and traditional NDT methods identify defects, and gas, liquid, and energy loss. Corrosion under insulation (CUI) and other asset integrity defects are highlighted utilizing Guided Wave Ultrasonic Testing (GWUT) and Acoustic Emission Testing (AET). We also analyze for abnormal levels of ”blow-by” at vents and stacks downstream so we are gathering all the evidence to pinpoint every regulator, relief, or valve defect as well as assess any underlying latent risks. This involves utilizing other methods as well, i.e. ultrasound, infrared, radiography, tracer-gas, etc., in our surveys as best needed or as requested by our clients.
Our NDT services include:
Non-Destructive Examination:
UT Straight beam
Guided Wave Ultrasonic Testing (GWUT) - UT Shear wave
Acoustic Emission Testing (AET) & Valve Surveys
Phased Array UT
Automated/Encoded UT
Laser Scanning & 3D modeling of OD Corrosion & Dents
Weld Inspection
Soil Condition Testing:
Pipe to Soil Potential
Soil Resistivity
Soil pH
Guided Wave Ultrasonic Testing (GWUT) Overview
Condition based inspection programs have chosen to inspect their piping systems using Guided Wave UT (GUL) inspection to support mechanical integrity and preventive maintenance programs. Large sections of piping can be inspected rapidly and safely often with no scaffolding, and minimal insulation removal.
Leak Finder experts can locate and characterize defects internally and externally and will pick up cracking in many cases. The benefits of this program include increased efficiency of a plant’s inspection budget and minimizing maintenance upsets due to piping system failures. Multiple frequencies and wave forms characterize defects more accurately than ever before.
The GUL equipment can be used in many applications such as CUI, point of contact, road crossings, and air to soil transitions.
Leak Finder Advantages:
Excellent for Corrosion Under Insulation (CUI) inspections
Localized damage can be pinpointed and characterized as to length and depth
Excellent tool for cased crossings and unpiggable pipe
Point of contact corrosion can be found without lifting the pipe
Acoustic Emission Testing (AET) & Valve Surveys
From steam and water lines to natural gas and various other elements, Acoustic Emission Testing (AET) is a very valuable non-destructive testing (NDT) technique because it can "listen" for defects while systems are in operation.
From steam and water lines to natural gas and various other elements, Acoustic Emission Testing (AET) is a very valuable non-destructive testing (NDT) technique because it can “listen” for defects while systems are in operation. When valves aren’t functioning properly, not only can energy bills skyrocket, but imbalance within systems can cause operational capacity problems, increased risks, and premature component breakdown (wear and tear).
Our team has many years of success using AET for valve surveys to locate issues and waste with high speed and accuracy. Our teams and equipment have added flexibility to adapt quickly to system and connection variations on-site so getting readings upstream, downstream and at various key areas for analysis is done with ease, speed, and integrity.
Leak Finder makes it possible to optimize and execute effective and efficient NDE solutions that match-up to what will work best for its client's priorities as well as address the situational and indirect variables from all angles.